University of York offer free online courses to support local businesses and Chamber members

The University of York is committed to help regional businesses to recover, innovate and grow. They are offering a suite of online courses developed by professionals to help support Chamber Members and their staff  through the period of national lockdown and impact of Covid-19 on you and your business.

Now, more than ever, it is important for us to look after ourselves, our employees and to retain a happy and resilient workforce. We have developed a suite of free short online learning sessions to help you through the challenging time we currently face.

These courses, a mix of live and pre-recorded content, are written and developed by University of York staff and tutors and build on their excellent knowledge and reputation for delivering development programmes to businesses.

These courses will:

  • Help managers and individuals by supporting them through challenging times
  • Help you navigate your current business challenges
  • Improve resilience and mental wellbeing of yourself and your workforce
  • Identify the necessary strategies to prepare your business for the next step

For more information or to book online visit the University of York website 

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