New Chamber group to address technology implications on local economy

In a week that sees a ten-day celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce is looking to see what more can be done to support businesses working in and with the technology sector.

A Chamber-led business support group is pulling together a team of expert knowledge in order to keep firms abreast of changes, and to take advantage of commercial opportunities that are arising.   The fast-moving pace of the tech sector in recent years has left some firms, especially smaller ones, struggling to keep up with industry-wide challenges, even in spite of the help that is currently available.  The new group, managed by the Chamber’s Policy & Representation team, will look to help not only businesses currently working across all subsectors of tech, but also ambitious start-ups and firms that rely on the sector as a part of their operations.

The launch of the group is timed to connect with British Science Week, which is running from 11-20 March.  The science campaign supports those who don’t typically get involved in science and aims to raise awareness of skills opportunities across the UK in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

​​ Dan Murray of Leeds List, currently Vice-President of the Leeds Chamber of Commerce, will be taking a leading role in the group as it moves forward. He said:

“Technology now underpins businesses from all sectors, particularly high growth SMEs, so I want to ensure that the Chamber has a handle on the sector to ensure we make the most of any opportunities that present themselves for businesses and the local economy.  I’ll be working with our members and the Chamber’s Policy & Representation team to look at a range of potential projects and initiatives, with the aim of supporting economic development and business growth.”

An initial ‘sounding out’ meeting has considered challenges affecting the sector, and now a new Technology Group will form part of the Chamber’s policy-making structure to complement some of its other sector-specific bodies, such as manufacturing, property and transport.  More information on the sector is now being collected before determining group objectives, which will include forming alliances with other related bodies in pursuit of similar goals.

Any businesses wanting to get involved with the Chamber’s new group should get in touch:

For more on British Science Week, visit

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