Is your business affected by the ‘pingdemic’? Let us know

Chamber members are being asked to let the Policy Team know if they are adversely affected by the current Covid-related ‘pingdemic’ that is forcing high numbers of people to self-isolate.

If your business has more staff than usual isolating, and you are struggling to meet operational demands, then please inform us via or 07827 318681 / 07739 162387 with details.  All information is confidential, but it supports our lobbying activities and helps inform our conversations with the media about the impact this issue is having on business in our region.

We are working closely with the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) to lobby for more exemptions and to support the ‘test to release’ pilots current underway in order that your business can operate more effectively and that our regional economy gets back to full strength as quickly as possible.

This is what BCC have said on this topic.

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