
Hustings in York – Have your voice heard

Business leaders in York are being offered the chance to have their voices heard by those in charge of the city’s economic future.

Ahead of the City of York Council elections in May, York & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce is holding a hustings event with representatives from all political parties on March 1.

This event, led by the York and North Yorkshire Property Forum, will discuss topics such as development, planning and economic growth in the city with political leaders.

Topics to be explored are expected to include what politicians are doing to help business, the challenges the city’s economy faces and what can be done at city council level to facilitate growth and investment.

Presentations will be made by

  • Councillor Ashley Mason (Liberal Democrats)
  • Councillor Claire Douglas (Labour)
  • Councillor Martin Rowley (Conservative)
  • and a green party candidate to be announced.

Following presentations those in attendance will be given the opportunity to ask questions of all of the candidates.

A spokesperson for the York Property Forum said: “In an era in which politics is often accused of being out of touch with voters, it is wonderful to see all parties on City of York Council participating in this hustings event.

“Now is your chance to hold them directly to account and to offer you advice and guidance on how we can take our city to the next level.”

The event takes place at York St John University on March 1 between 5pm and 7pm.

For tickets visit: Ticket Selection – Hustings Event – York Property Forum (force.com)



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