
Chamber meeting at the House of Lords

Transport and devolution were among the subject matters under review when West & North Yorkshire journeyed to the House of Lords to meet with Baroness Blake.

As part of a visit organised for Executive and Patron members, a roundtable discussion was held with the shadow spokesperson for housing, communities and local government on a range of subjects.

Baroness Blake, formerly leader of Leeds City Council, had invited members to the House of Lords as part of information gathering for her role in Government.

The Chamber was able to point to its own research around key topic matters and offer the views of its members to Baroness Blake.

There then followed a brief tour of the Palace of Westminster followed by a spot of afternoon tea in the Home Room overlooking the Thames.

Amanda Beresford, Chair of West & North Yorkshire Chamber, said: “Our trip to Westminster was a hugely successful and informative visit.

“It was brilliant to meet with Judith and learn of the work she is underway with in her role in the House of Lords.

“Chamber members were able to share their experiences and viewpoints in a very helpful roundtable.

“The reach we can provide is fantastic and this event proved just that.”

Baroness Blake said: “At a time when our economy is facing so many challenges, it has never been more important to listen to the voice of business.

“It was illuminating to hear about the experiences and views of the Chamber delegation and it was my pleasure to welcome them to Westminster for the day.”

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